We have just received the new restaurant scores for Chatham County [posted below]. Please feel free to check out how your favorite place to eat ranked.
Keep in mind that the criteria used by the Georgia Department of Human Resources is extremely strict. Do not be disappointed if your favorite place did not get a perfect score. Often a restaurant may have a lower score and it has little to do with the kitchen itself. A dishwasher may have forgotten about a bag of garbage left in an alley as opposed to throwing it into the dumpster. A bartender may not have been wearing gloves when slicing fruit when the inspector was present, etc.
I have attached a sample Food Inspection Form from the Georgia DHR.
It is also important to keep in mind that many, if not all of our home kitchens would not pass this kind of inspection. How many times have we left left-overs in the fridge too long or failed to wipe down out counters or allowed pets into the kitchen when we are cooking? The environment necessary for the creation of food-bourne illnesses is much more likely to occur in our own homes rather than in any of these restaurants.
Additionally, the list itself only shows the score and not why the establishment received the particular score. I have found that just about all managers will answer any questions from a patron about why their business scored the way that they did. If they are not willing to do so-obviously you don't want to eat there.
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